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O =J%A Report Card on First Nations Health&&Presented at the NAHO First Annual Conference And Health Information Fair By Chief Maureen Chapman, Chair Governance Committee of the First Nations Centre January 22, 2003*.Purpose of Presentation - To provide outline of the First Nations Centre (FNC) of NAHO, its purpose, role and activities - To present a snapshot on the state of First Nations health and well being within the Canadian environment - To get with it collectively and to work together( Z**   / Who Are We  $  3First Nations Centre (FNC) established in 2001, as an integral part of NAHO Dedicated to improving the health of First Nations peoples and their communities, regardless of residency, including women, children, youth and the elderly Governing Committee responsible for direction and management of the FNC 44*    2FWho We Are  FNC Guiding Principles$$$ xHolistic approach to First Nations health Respect and support the cultural diversity of First Nations peoples Support First Nations communities Be accessible to First Nations communities and regions at local and regional levels Develop and enhance ongoing relationships with First Nations communities, organizations, etc., including ongoing consultation and accountability&yxy 06Who We Are  FNC Objectives [Conduct, facilitate and promote research on First Nations health to assist First Nations peoples and their communities Disseminate results of health research and information to communities Capacity-building in respect of health research and research analysis, health career development, governance (health planning, administration, policy/program design and implementation) Advocate, advance and support traditional knowledge and values and practices in First Nations health Develop and enhance partnerships and relationships relating to research, policies/strategies, capacity-building, promotion\ZY =Ih\ 3^What We Know  Research on First Nations Health000 Growing body of First Nations-controlled research on First Nations health: - Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (RCAP), 1996 - Regional Health Surveys (RHS), 1997 - National Aboriginal Health Organization Poll, 2002 - Regional Health Survey (RHS), 2002 Results of research provide consistent message on the state of First Nations health: - lower living standards (unemployment, lower education, higher welfare dependency - shorter life expectancy - higher incidence of violence, physical and sexual abuse, suicide - chronic health conditions (diabetes, cancer, heart disease) - higher rates of accidental death and injury among First Nations children - higher rates of infectious disease (tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS) xKZ ZVZ ZZKU 9 &What We Know  RCAP Summary: Despite the high living standards in Canada, Aboriginal peoples are among the poorest in terms of health and health care in Canada Recommendations: Aboriginal peoples to plan, develop and control their own health governance with financial support from the federal government Acceptance of traditional methods of healing and Aboriginal medicines and professionals  creation of a system of centres and lodges to provide health and social services Governments, health authorities and traditional practitioners cooperate to extend and protect traditional medicine and healers and educational institutions to sensitize practitioners as to the importance of traditional practices Governments to fund the training of 10,000 Aboriginal health care professionals over nest ten years in the areas of medicine, nursing, psychology, social work, dentistry, nutrition, addictions, gerontology, etc.B  ZZ ZZ*   ;!0What We Know  RHS, 1997 jSummary of Results: Almost one-half of First Nations and Inuit respondents felt health services are unequal to those of Canadians Identified a number of health services that need improvement: - pediatric services/children s health - mental health services - health promotion/disease prevention - diabetes education - medication awareness - home care - homes for elderly - dental care - physical fitness and nutrition programs 0   ="<What We Know  NAHO Poll, 2002 Highlights of Preliminary First Nations Results: First Nations respondents reported being in poorer health than the general Canadian population First Nations respondents are experiencing difficulty in accessing certain health care providers (pediatricians, mental health professionals, obstetricians/gynecologists, midwives), in particular respondents in remote communities A positive rating for the quality of health care received was lower among First Nations respondents that Canadians in general, in particular respondents residing in isolated/remote communities Majority of First Nations respondents agreed that the residential school experience and the loss of land and culture have contributed to the poorer health and wellness of Aboriginal peoples Majority of First nations respondents reported having used traditional healer/medicines, and said they would be more likely to use traditional care if it were accessible at their local health centre and if it were covered by the health care system $1 *  3 ?#NWhat We Know  NAHO Poll, 2002 (cont d)((( Highlights of Preliminary First Nations Results: Majority of respondents felt the following would improve Aboriginal health: - more information on health related topics available in communities - increased funds for health care services - better housing - better translation and interpretation services in health care system - decreased use of drugs and alcohol - better relations between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples - developing health care programs that better reflect Aboriginal cultures - revival of Aboriginal cultures and traditions - increased use of Aboriginal languages - a return to Aboriginal medicine and healing practices - Aboriginal control of health care services :1 L@  A$0What We Know  RHS, 2002 Preliminary Highlights of RHS: 22% of sample collected (but some regions better represented than others) Mold reported in almost half of households. More common in households with kids More common in large households (8+ people) Repairs needed in more than half of households Large households much more likely to need repairs Households with kids more likely to have telephones, computers, internet access About 1 in 3 households consider their main water supply unsafe for drinking. Results are preliminary. This is just a small taste from an extensive survey currently in the field across the country. Look for much more over the coming months as we track these and other patterns emerging from the data.  ZwZPZ/Z2ZZ Z wP/2 B%BWhat We Know  Consistent Trends """ $Past and present research is providing consistent messages: - First Nations must be positioned to control health governance with appropriate and adequate resources - Need for increased funding for First Nations health care - Need to improvement in services and accessibility is required (pediatric services, women s health services, mental health services, health promotion/disease prevention) - Need to support, advocate and practice traditional healing practices - Need to maintain Aboriginal languages and cultures(=Z Z 5 The Current Canadian Environment!!! Health Care Reform - Romanow report and recommendations - Kirby report and recommendations - PM/First Ministers Conference $o *  c !Overview of Romanow Report Report was released on November 28, 2002 Chapter 10 -  A New Approach to Aboriginal Health represented a roll up and recommendations from the cross country consultations The Commission clearly recognized that the appalling and unacceptable state of Aboriginal Health must be addressed Confirmed the disconnect between Aboriginal peoples and Canadian society, particularly when it comes to sharing the benefits of the Canadian Health Care system, as a result of: - competing constitutional assumptions - fragmented funding and inadequate access to services - poor health outcomes - different cultural and political influences RZ ZZ8% )S"%Recommendations of the Romanow Report&&A new approach is needed, one that cuts across jurisdictional and administrative barriers that focuses squarely on improving Aboriginal Health Consolidate fragmented funding for Aboriginal Health Adapt health programs and services to cultural, economic, social and political circumstances unique to Aboriginal peoples Give Aboriginal peoples a direct voice in how health care services are designed and delivered Support the creation of Aboriginal partnerships to manage and organize health services$PW&The Kirby Report  A Study on the State of the Health Care System in CanadaLL L lFor the past two years the Senate Standing Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology has been studying the state of the Canadian Health Care system The Committee has published five reports, the sixth report contains the committees final recommendations for reform and renewal of the Canadian Health Care system Following the release of the sixth report, the Committee intends to examine a number of additional health related issues, including, Aboriginal Health, Women s Health, Mental Health, Rural Health, Population Health, Home Care and Palliative Care7Z77 '"The Kirby Report - Recommendations##(# The Report recommendations were grouped into six categories and would require the financial participation of federal, provincial and territorial governments: Restructuring the current hospital and doctor system Enacting a health care guarantee that would ensure that patients receive treatment in a specified maximum amount of time for major hospital or diagnostic procedures Expanding public health care insurance to include coverage for catastrophic prescription drug costs, post hospital home care costs and palliative care costs Strengthening the federal contribution to and role in developing health infrastructure, including health information systems, health care technology, evaluation of health care system performance and outcomes Raising Federal revenue to implement the recommendations in a transparent and accountable manner Outlining consequences of no action or no new federal revenues* P -P  FNC - What Are We Doing(Develop and disseminate an annual report on the health of FN Develop a report derived from RHS on FN Health and determinants of health Developed community tool kits on Privacy, Ethics and Surveillance Provide data stewardship based on the principles of OCAP Provide national support for RHS 2002 data collection through analysis, interpretation and dissemination Develop strategic alliances through protocol and MOU arrangements Create an FNC statistical Unit 7Where Are We Going ?Establish lead role in First Nations health research and health information Advocacy and support role to and for sustainable First Nations designed, delivered and controlled health and health care systems Ongoing development of functional tools and models for community application Continue to advocate, advance and support traditional knowledge and values in First Nation health Enhance role in support and advocacy for First Nations health careers, capacity development and training Support and advocate the ongoing development of practical skills for health care workers $? @@ K& Conclusion    Our strength is our knowledge and is the foundation for improving the health of First Nations peoples LET S GET ON WITH IT!!( g" /  , 1 468:<>@CDEFGIJA ` f̙33` 333f` 999MMM` 33f` 3f3>?" dd@,t? vKd@  @` n?" dd@   @@``@n?" dd@  @@``PR    @ ` ` p>>   ==v=(    Ngֳgֳ ?"0U2  T Click to edit Master title style! !<  Hgֳgֳ ?"5U9b  RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     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Come to the FNC and see our privacy tool kit. The tool kits contain templates for community use Ownership, Control, Access and Possession The Statistical Unit will provide analysis and will look to hire an epidemiologist Strategic Alliance could include: First Nations peoples Federal Government  HC, INAC, SC, HRDC CIHR  IAPH Academia Medical Professional Groups, ie., CMA, CDA International Groups: WHO, PAHO, NIHB, IHS, UN Forum on Indigenous Peoples, Australian Aborigines, NZ Maori NAHO  Corporate, Communications, Policy, and the other Centres H  0޽h/. ? ̙33 0 @,(  ^  S l*   a  c $al @  a " H  0޽h/. ? ̙33i 0 )!(  d  c $l*   &  s *&l @  & [NAHO coordinated a specific aboriginal consultation for the Romanow Commission in Ottawa. ,<H  0޽h/. ? ̙33& 0 v(  ^  S l*   &  c $!&l @  & l&These objectives are derived from the FNC work plan and operate in sync with NAHO s five objectives Information could and has been in the form of reports, fact sheets, tool kits and other health promotional items For example, NAHO has established an MOU with the Assembly of First Nations Chiefs Committee on Health. We are working on outlining regional and national level priorities and activities.*M  A H  0޽h/. ? ̙33 0  8(   d   c $l*   &   s *;&l @  & " H   0޽h/. ? ̙33 0 (A(  (d ( c $l*   & ( s *؍&l @  & +  H ( 0޽h/. ? ̙33 0 08(  0d 0 c $l*   ' 0 s *2'l @  ' " H 0 0޽h/. ? ̙33  0  88(  8d 8 c $l*   & 8 s *4b&l @  & " H 8 0޽h/. ? ̙33! 0 @@8(  @d @ c $l*   & @ s *r&l @  & " H @ 0޽h/. ? ̙33" 0 `P8(  Pd P c $l*   & P s *}&l @  & " H P 0޽h/. ? ̙33# 0 X8(  Xd X c $l*   & X s *̏&l @  & " H X 0޽h/. ? ̙33$ 0 `5(  `d ` c $l*   & ` s *&l @  & Please attend our workshop and our booth for more detailed information on this important initiative. It is a model of good practice and in line with the RCAP recommendations and the Harvard presentation by Stephen Cornell of good governance  H ` 0޽h/. ? ̙33% 0 h8(  hd h c $l*   & h s *H&l @  & " H h 0޽h/. ? ̙33D 0 l(  l^ l S l*   a l c $\&l @  a (During negotiations to establish NAHO, it was agreed in the bylaws that there would be three centres. These centres are reflective of the Canadian Constitution and its recognition of three distinct aboriginal groups Appointments to the Governing Committee are made through AFN recommendations. F]      H l 0޽h/. ? ̙33W 0 p(  p^ p S l*   a  p c $lal @  a sThis will be done through the presentation RHS, Current Environment and other Issues Affecting First Nations Healtht H p 0޽h/. ? ̙33W 0 t(  t^ t S l*   &  t c $&l @  & sThese principles have been compiled from background and a strategic planning session of the FNC Governing Committeet H t 0޽h/. ? ̙33 0  (  ^  S l*   &{  c $l @  & Romanow still articulated the position of both the Federal and Provincial Governments being responsible for holding and controlling the financial resources Partnerships would take place between jurisdictions, fed, prov/territories, and aboriginal governments, at the community, regional and national level This supports First Nations being involved at the Federal Provincial Territorial Tables where health is being discussed and negotiated. 8    H  0޽h/. ? ̙33 0 UMP(  ^  S l*   'G  c $H'l @T  '<4___PPT9 7First Nations are awaiting the release from the Kirby Committee the Aboriginal specific report which we hope will be released soon. Establish a permanent independent body charged with reporting annually to the Canadian public on the state of the nations health care system and on the health status of Canadians. The Committee also believes that this body should be responsible for advising the federal government on an annual basis, on how new money raised for renewing and reforming, the health care system should be allocated Adopt a Canadian Health Charter .7-P78 H  0޽h/. ? ̙33r0Ua ! rp& h,.$ #QA:*  "#%(*.r026?;KOh+'08R px $ D P \ ht|First Nations Centre (FNC) brain boynNC:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Templates\Presentation Designs\Mountain.pot\vgideon32dMicrosoft PowerPointoso@i@@`,|@N,GPg  R('& &&#TNPP2OMi & TNPP &&TNPP     'A x(xKʦ """)))UUUMMMBBB999|PP3f3333f333ff3fffff3f3f̙f3333f3333333333f3333333f3f33ff3f3f3f3333f3333333f3̙33333f333ff3ffffff3f33f3ff3f3f3ffff3fffffffff3fffffff3f̙ffff3ff333f3ff33fff33f3ff̙3f3f3333f333ff3fffff̙̙3̙f̙̙̙3f̙3f3f3333f333ff3fffff3f3f̙3ffffffffff!___wwwnmCfmCCݼDDmmCCCr’ssRtymssRzzzRzmݼsmmnRzzRKKLRQQmnzKRztyLFFAL8Y~FKYzsKyRQFFAFA8888LKRtRnstzuF@AGG@XQQWtYtnoRzKFGG@GF8887R8RztQXzQF)DGAJD7QK0JCJ7sYzKztKFCDGFE"QX"JXCD78QtYnnRzEFDLGJCKC=JKBt0zyKKzzKJ"CDKDC"mnztKKtRCDCDEED"CKCJ"RyKnYzJCCCJDJCDCCJDCszznztRJCDCJJCCJsÒJnQzSQtzKC"C="="=CszRntRy#C<"B"?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~  Root EntrydO)PicturesbCurrent UserSummaryInformation(hRPowerPoint Document(2;<DocumentSummaryInformation8